205 to 150

205 to 150
A journy of weight loss

Monday, May 31, 2010

May 26th - Wondering about the future

Right now I've been thinking alot about the future. We went to that wedding that prince charmings mom invited me to go to. It was BEAUTIFUL! So gorgeous and you could tell the people who were getting married were "loaded". I wonder about the future alot. How are prince charming and I going to be able to afford a big wedding? How are we going to be able to afford a house? We struggle to pay our car insurance lol. I'm starting to see that schooling is so important. Its the foundation to a better future. To get somewhere... you gotta get off your bum and work for it lol!

Btw I think I looked pretty nice at the wedding :) Prince charming and I matched colours :)

1 comment:

  1. before going to school it's best to get the experience in the field that you want to get into, that way you have the exp. most employers are looking for AS WELL AS the credentials ;P

    It's hard to get the job on credentials alone...I'm just saying...

    But yes we def. have to work for anything!
