205 to 150

205 to 150
A journy of weight loss

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17th - When are you a failure?

I've noticed quite a few people in the weight loss community on youtube are going through what I am going through. Last year in 09, I lost weight. This year... I've gained back. Its not that I'm proud of gaining it back... nor am I depressed. I see it as another chance to get back on the path that I set last year. And if you are going through what I have... then you shouldn't feel bad either. Don't focus on what was done... focus on what you can do now.
Smile2DayTears2Morrois one of the people who are going through what I have. I feel bad that she thinks a 10 pound gain is a lot. Shes beautiful and she shouldn't feel so bad over something so minor. I'm totally inspired with how she is getting back on track to lose the last 10 lbs.
Another person is Cindy aka fatty2slim. She is my biggest idol on YouTube. Unfortunately, she is also going through what I am. She is also back on track. I wish she would post more videos because I started my own youtube account because of her. Shes a huge inspiration. She lately states in her videos that its hard to name even one person who has tried to lose weight and kept it off the first time.
My point is... two of my idols are going through what I am. Does that make us failures? I highly doubt that. Being a healthier person is a life style change. You HAVE NOT FAILED until you STOP TRYING. Everyone faces things in their life which can prove to be world altering.

...You know it was funny because last year I didn't understand. I wasn't open minded enough to realize why people would do things like this to themselves (gain the weight back) I didn't realize until it happened to me. I fell in love... how could I have helped that? I lost sight of my goals and what I had worked so hard for. And know what? I'm not the only one. I have sympathy for people who are going through what I am because it took so long to get to where I was. I will however have no sympathy with myself if I let it happen again. I have no excuse this time, and quite frankly... if I want to live an unhealthy life style then thats just sad.

Another thing is that one of the people I was close with in '09 is now going on an extreme to lose weight. I'm not saying that I support her and I'm not saying that I don't. My views are personal and not needed although I would like to see if she can keep the weight off in the end. Maybe she will and maybe she wont... but either way I hope she gets what she wants. We will find out in 30 days time :P p.s all those people leaving her mean messages... totally uncalled for.

A thought of mine to feed your mind... One thing I cant stand in the weight loss community is that there are so many people willing to lecture. "You are not doing things right" or "You need to do this to get this result"... my honest opinion on these people? - Thanks? And since when are you a doctor? I'm finding more and more that people are being put down by others who have no back up what so ever. Its not happening to me... thankfully all my subscribers are soo awesome!
But if you have not lost weight before, you have no room to lecture others. When you have lost weight and can prove you know what you are doing, you don't need to tell me or anyone else that we are doing things wrong because clearly... you are not doing things right either.
It completely baffles me that people are that clueless lol. Really... it makes me laugh.
Stop putting other people down!

I watched a video today and it really got to me. Its time for us to start thinking OUTSIDE of the box. Weight loss is plain and simple. It requires two things. Eating less and movement. This video is based on rewards. Prince charming just asked me last night if we could go out for dinner when I reached 195. Is that a reward? I have now come to realize that I should be able to go out for dinner when ever I want. BUT I should be adult enough to decide what I should and what I shouldn't be able to eat. Last week when I decided that I wanted to go out for dinner when I reach 195 (10 pound loss) I was going to have fettuccine Alfredo and anything else my heart desires. God what a fail that would have been. Whats the point of trying to change your life style if you head right back to it after 2 weeks? Its time for us to start seeing things differently. Its about viewing things from a different mind set. How bad do you want to lose weight? A lot? Ok, then how would going back to your old style help you lose anymore weight? I'm glad I had this revelation tonight :)
This video really spoke out to me.

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